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The influence of gut microbiota on neurogenesis in stroke: Impact of Neuropolen

The influence of gut microbiota on neurogenesis in stroke: Impact of Neuropolen
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1, Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2,3

1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
3Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663

Background There is persuasive evidence that the gut microbiome plays a role in a variety of physiological processes in the central nervous system. Microbiota influences neurogenic processes, which can result in stroke. Adult neurogenesis (i.e., the life-long generation of new neurons from undifferentiated neuronal precursors in the adult brain) may contribute to brain repair after stroke.
Objectives Yet there is little data on the contribution of small molecule metabolites produced by the microbiome. Based on the existing research, we propose that the administration of Neuropolen could normalize the gut microbiome in stroke.
Materials and methods The gut-derived metabolites are in part responsible for regulating critical signaling pathways in the brain, especially during neural development. The microbiome has been implicated in neural development and function, and consequently, perturbation of the microbiota is implicated in stroke.
Results It is known that metabolites act as communication signals between host and microbiome in the form of neuromodulators or neurotransmitters. The vagus nerve and enteric nervous system are sensitive to gamma amino butyric acid, serotonin, histamine, and acetylcholine, all of which are produced by the gut microbiota. Small molecules such as short-chain fatty acids produced by the gut microbiota can enter the blood stream via the intestinal lumen and cross the blood-brain barrier where they can then interact with the brain and affect neural transmission.
Conclusion We consider this evidence from the perspectives of neuroinflammation, microbial-derived metabolites, neurotrophins, and neurotransmitters. This could therefore also represent a promising treatment strategy in stroke. Neuropolen improves motor recovery after a stroke.
Keywords: gut microbiota, microbial-derived metabolites, neurogenesis, stroke, Neuropolen

Giurgiu Gheorghe
Author: Giurgiu Gheorghe

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