Natural modulation of the microbiota in patients with atopic dermatitis
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2The Romanian Academy of Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Atopic dermatitis is a long-standing inflammatory skin disease that is highly prevalent worldwide. The immune mechanisms involved in atopic dermatitis are complex and little is known about the possible role of the gut microbiota in the aetiopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Advancing knowledge of the cutaneous microbiome and its function in modulating the course of atopic dermatitis, might result in novel therapeutic strategies.
Objective Alergiplant could modulate the immune system through gut microbiota in atopic dermatitis.
Materials and methods The evaluation of the patients was based on history and physical examination. We investigated the effect Alergiplant in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Results It is not clear whether microbial change in atopic dermatitis is an outcome of barrier defect or the cause of barrier dysfunction and inflammation. Manipulation of the intestinal microbiota as a method for modifying atopy, may be attempted in many ways including avoidance of certain foods, supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics, optimising nutrient intake, minimising stress, antimicrobial therapy, correction and prevention of low stomach acid, and faecal microbiota transplantation. Probiotics had a positive effect on the severity of atopic dermatitis.
Conclusion The resident microbiota is important in maintaining structural and functional integrity of the gut and in immune system regulation. There was an increase of the intestinal permeability reported in patients with atopic dermatitis and a reduction of the cutaneous microbiome diversity. Modifying skin and gut microbiome by applying probiotic supplementation during early years may be a preventive and therapeutic option in high risk groups.
Keywords: atopic dermatitis, host-microbiome interaction; immune regulation; Alergiplant