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Gut dysbiosis in dogs with spinal cord injury: Impact of Polenoplasmin

Gut dysbiosis in dogs with spinal cord injury: Impact of Polenoplasmin

Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2, SciRes I, EuSpLM

1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881

2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663

Background Studies have demonstrated the presence of gut dysbiosis (alterations in gut bacterial homeostasis) secondary to spinal cord injury in dogs. The dysbiosis is thought to impair recovery by decreasing the production of short-chain fatty acids which play a role in suppressing inflammation within the central nervous system.  

Obiective Therefore, targeting gut dysbiosis could have significant therapeutic value in the management of spinal cord injury. The purpose of this study is to determine if gut dysbiosis occurs in dogs with spinal cord injury. Another area of potential intervention interest is in situations of spinal injury where there is an urgent need to generate new neurons. To arrive at these observations, the authors examined how Polenoplasmin and diet solve paralysis in dogs. 

Materials and methods The most common cause of spinal problems in dogs is trauma. We are currently assessing whether indoles can also stimulate formation of neurons in dogs with paralysis.

Results We found that gut microbes that metabolize tryptophan-an essential amino acid-secrete small molecules called indoles, which stimulate the development of new brain cells in dogs, also demonstrated that the indole-mediated signals elicit key regulatory factors known to be important for the formation of new neurons.

Conclusion This study is another intriguing piece of the puzzle highlighting the importance of lifestyle factors and diet.

In conclusion, the link between the health of the microbiome and the health of the brain shows how microorganisms in the gut solve paralysis. Gut microbe secreted molecule linked to formation of new nerve cells in paralysed dogs.

Keywords: intestinal dysbiosis, indoles, paralysed dog, Polenoplasmin.

Giurgiu Gheorghe
Author: Giurgiu Gheorghe

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