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Altered gut microbiome profile in patients with psoriasis

Altered gut microbiome profile in patients with psoriasis
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1, Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2,3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881

2Academy of Romanian Scientists
3Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663

Background A growing body of evidence highlights that intestinal dysbiosis is associated with the development of psoriasis. The gut-skin axis is the novel concept of the interaction between skin diseases and microbiome through inflammatory mediators, metabolites and the intestinal barrier. The gut microbiome affects skin homeostasis through its influence on the signaling pathways that coordinate epidermal differentiation.
The objective of this study was to synthesize current data on the Deniplant natural modulator of the gut microbiome in patients with psoriasis.
Materials and methods All studies confirmed the association of psoriasis and gut microbiota dysbiosis. We describe the recent advances regarding the interplay between gut microbiota and the skin. Thus, the microbiome can be considered an effective therapeutical target for treating this disorder.
Results This presentation provides a detailed and comprehensive systematic study regarding gut microbiome in patients with psoriasis. These results are supported by clinical observations based on a case serie showing improvement in psoriatic skin lesions after Deniplant natural modulator. It is still not clear whether psoriasis is an effect or a cause of the observed disbalance between beneficial and pathogenic microbes. In this context, the study provides very interesting results, showing significantly greater changes in the gut microbiome of patients with psoriasis treated Deniplant natural modulator
Conclusion There is a significant association between alterations in gut microbial composition and psoriasis. Intestinal dysbiosis is a state of imbalanced gut microbiome that eventually has a negative impact on skin function and integrity. Deniplant natural modulator is a potential therapeutic strategy in patients with psoriasis
Keywords: dysbiosis, microbiome, psoriasis, gut-skin axis, gut barrier, Deniplant nutraceuticals

Giurgiu Gheorghe
Author: Giurgiu Gheorghe

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