A practical approach to the management of psoriatic disease in childhood
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2, ARS, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania
deniplant@gmail.com; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
cojocaru.manole@gmail.com; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Psoriasis begins in childhood in approximately one-third of the cases. When psoriasis starts in childhood, it has more adverse implications. The overall prevalence in the pediatric population is about 1%. Diagnosis of psoriasis in the pediatric population is more challenging when compared to the well-delineated adult psoriasis. Many treatment options approved for adults have not been studied in children. Most of the medications approved for adult psoriasis can be used in children as well. The understanding of the relationship between microbiota and psoriasis may lead to diagnostics and treatment improvements.
The objective of this study to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations and modulate the gut microbiota in pediatric psoriasis. Nutrition plays an important role in the development of pediatric psoriasis and it can modulate microbiota and microbiome composition.
Materials and methods Early recognition and management of pediatric psoriasis is vital in therapy. This study aimed to assess dietary interventions and supplements Deniplant-kids which may lead to improved psoriasis.
Results This chronic disease, punctuated by remissions and exacerbations, has a profound impact on the quality of life of the child. The clinical presentation of psoriasis can evolve during the child’s lifespan. So far, no specific patterns of microbiota in psoriatic patients have been identified. Deniplant-kids may impact psoriasis by modulating the microbiome or exerting anti-inflammatory effects.
Conclusion Psoriasis is one of the most common immune-mediated inflamatory skin disease children have mild form of psoriasis. Diet remains an important therapeutic intervention that pediatric patients with psoriasis attempt alongside medical management.
Keywords:child, psoriasis, microbiome, microbiota, Deniplant-kids