Rezumatele lucrarilor prezentate la preconferintele interne si internationale unde au fost prezentate explicatiile stiintifice si modurile de actiune ale Remediilor naturale Deniplant.
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A practical approach to the management of psoriatic disease in childhood
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Psoriasis begins in childhood in approximately one-third of the cases. When psoriasis starts in childhood, it has more adverse implications. The overall prevalence in the pediatric population is about 1%. Diagnosis of psoriasis in the pediatric population is more challenging when compared to the well-delineated adult psoriasis. Many treatment options approved for adults have not been studied in children. Most of the medications approved for adult psoriasis can be used in children as well. The understanding of the relationship between microbiota and psoriasis may lead to diagnostics and treatment improvements.
The objective of this study to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations and modulate the gut microbiota in pediatric psoriasis. Nutrition plays an important role in the development of pediatric psoriasis and it can modulate microbiota and microbiome composition.
Materials and methods Early recognition and management of pediatric psoriasis is vital in therapy. This study aimed to assess dietary interventions and supplements Deniplant-kids which may lead to improved psoriasis.
Results This chronic disease, punctuated by remissions and exacerbations, has a profound impact on the quality of life of the child. The clinical presentation of psoriasis can evolve during the child’s lifespan. So far, no specific patterns of microbiota in psoriatic patients have been identified. Deniplant-kids may impact psoriasis by modulating the microbiome or exerting anti-inflammatory effects.
Conclusion Psoriasis is one of the most common immune-mediated inflamatory skin disease children have mild form of psoriasis. Diet remains an important therapeutic intervention that pediatric patients with psoriasis attempt alongside medical management. Keywords:child, psoriasis, microbiome, microbiota, Deniplant-kids
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is also defined as an immune-mediated pathology, with cutaneous and systemic manifestations that has numerous consequences on the quality of life of patients who suffer from it. It is known that also calorie restriction and low calorie diet can improve the symptomatology and the development of psoriasis. It is known that the immune system and the microbiome are linked.
Objectives New evidences suggest that the microbiome may play a pathogenic role in psoriatic disease. The aim of the present project is to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations and modulate the gut microbiota of individuals with psoriasis.
Materials and methods Nutrition plays an important role in the development of psoriasis and it can modulate microbiome composition.
Results Among environmental factors, diet plays a central role therefore incorrect nutritional habits and excessive body weight can increase clinical symptoms or even trigger the disease. Such diet-based and nutraceutical approaches to targeting the microbiome may produce a milder side effect profile than current systemic medications. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for preventing or managing psoriatic disease and its comorbidities.
Conclusion Nutrition plays an important role in the development of psoriasis and its comorbidities. Ultimately, a better understanding of the psoriatic microbiome can lead to the development of new therapeutic modalities that target the shifting microbiota. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for preventing or managing psoriatic disease and its comorbidities
Keywords: psoriasis, microbiome, microbiota, Deniplant nutritional intervention
1 Major Gheorghe Giurgiu
Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania, 012371
2 Prof. dr. Manole Cojocaru
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania, 031593
Background It is increasingly believed that the interaction between skin microbes and host immunity plays an important role in acne. Acne also has close connections with the gastrointestinal tract, and many argue that the gut microbiota could be involved in the pathogenic process of acne. The emotions of stress, have been hypothesized to aggravate acne by altering the gut microbiota. The presence of a gut-brain-skin axis that connects gut microbes, oral probiotics, and diet, currently an area of intense scrutiny, to acne severity. This study concentrates on the skin and gut microbes in acne, the role that the gut-brain-skin axis plays in the immunobiology of acne, and newly emerging microbiome-based therapies that can be applied to treat acne.
Obiective The purpose of this study was to compare the diversity of the skin microbiota in acne patients before and after taking Polenoderm.
Materials and methods A longitudinal cohort study was performed on 20 participants with moderate to severe facial acne with no recent use of oral and topical antibiotics/retinoids.
Results Hence, it is crucial to understand Polenoderm impact on the acne skin microbiota which is thought to be perturbed, our study provides insight into the skin microbiota in acne and how it is modulated by Polenoderm and diet.
Conclusion Acne also has close connections with the gastrointestinal tract, and many argue that the gut microbiota could be involved in the pathogenic process of acne. As understanding of the microbiome in healthy skin and the pathophysiology of acne continues to develop, new therapeutic targets are arising.
Keywords: acne, gut-brain-skin axis microbiota, Polenoderm, diet
Gut dysbiosis in dogs with spinal cord injury: Impact of Polenoplasmin
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Studies have demonstrated the presence of gut dysbiosis (alterations in gut bacterial homeostasis) secondary to spinal cord injury in dogs. The dysbiosis is thought to impair recovery by decreasing the production of short-chain fatty acids which play a role in suppressing inflammation within the central nervous system.
Obiective Therefore, targeting gut dysbiosis could have significant therapeutic value in the management of spinal cord injury. The purpose of this study is to determine if gut dysbiosis occurs in dogs with spinal cord injury. Another area of potential intervention interest is in situations of spinal injury where there is an urgent need to generate new neurons. To arrive at these observations, the authors examined how Polenoplasmin and diet solve paralysis in dogs.
Materials and methods The most common cause of spinal problems in dogs is trauma. We are currently assessing whether indoles can also stimulate formation of neurons in dogs with paralysis.
Results We found that gut microbes that metabolize tryptophan-an essential amino acid-secrete small molecules called indoles, which stimulate the development of new brain cells in dogs, also demonstrated that the indole-mediated signals elicit key regulatory factors known to be important for the formation of new neurons.
Conclusion This study is another intriguing piece of the puzzle highlighting the importance of lifestyle factors and diet.
In conclusion, the link between the health of the microbiome and the health of the brain shows how microorganisms in the gut solve paralysis. Gut microbe secreted molecule linked to formation of new nerve cells in paralysed dogs.
Keywords: intestinal dysbiosis, indoles, paralysed dog, Polenoplasmin.
Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU1, Major Gheorghe GIURGIU2
1Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România
Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Facultatea de Medicină, București; Tel: +40 723 326 663
2Centrul Medical Deniplant-Aide Sante, Biomedicină, București; Tel: +40 744 827 881
Introducere Sirtuinele (SIRT) sunt histone deacetilaze dependente de nicotină adenin dinucleotide(+) care reglează căile critice de semnalizare și sunt implicate în numeroase procese biologice. Dovezile au sugerat rolurile vitale ale familiei SIRT în condițiile de sănătate și boli. Impactul unui microbiom modificat asupra absorbției de nutrienți și echilibrului energetic și factorii care influențează sănătatea creierului, precum SIRT, sunt un domeniu care se impune a fi cercetat.
Obiective Diferite intervenții asupra dezechilibrului microbiotei intestinale ar putea afecta expresia SIRT. Imuniplant și Neuropolen ar putea reechilibra produșii microbiotei intestinale și nivel SIRT. Nutraceuticele Deniplant ar putea fi modulatori SIRT și explorarea funcțiilor acestor diferiți modulatori au impus eforturi sporite pentru a descoperi noi molecule, care pot modifica activitatea SIRT.
Material și metode Familia SIRT este implicată în inflamație prin diferite mecanisme. SIRT-urile supraexprimate sau activate, în principal SIRT1–3, pot reduce răspunsul inflamator prin efecte antiinflamatorii, cum ar fi factorul de necroză tumorală (TNF-α), o citokină proinflamatoare multifuncțională, produsă de macrofage/monocite în timpul inflamației acute, care joacă un rol critic în orchestrarea cascadei de citokine în diferite boli inflamatorii.
Rezultate Inflamația este un răspuns imun esențial care permite supraviețuirea și menține homeostazia tisulară în diferite condiții neurodegenerative. Melatonina și microbiota intestinală par să se sincronizeze și să se potențeze reciproc, făcând parte dintr-o interacțiune bilaterală în condițiile asociate cu disbioză. Ca răspuns la procesul inflamator, microbiota influențează producerea de citokine proinflamatorii și proteine de fază acută, care mediază procesul inflamator.
Concluzii Familia SIRT este implicată în inflamație prin diferite mecanisme. Microbiota intestinală este implicată în răspunsul inflamator, influențând în special SIRT1 și SIRT6, melatonina care pot afecta secreția de mediatori inflamatori.
A link between gut microbiota and Alzheimer’s disease: Impact of Neuropolen
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Disturbances along the brain-gut-microbiota axis may significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Alterations in the gut microbiota composition induce increased permeability of the gut barrier and immune activation leading to systemic inflammation, which in turn may impair the blood-brain barrier and promote neuroinflammation, neural injury, and ultimately neurodegeneration. Nutrition is known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, the use of nutraceuticals can be part of a comprehensive approach to delay neurodegeneration.
Objective There is a strong link between Alzheimer’s disease and chronic inflammation. Modification of the gut microbiota composition by nutraceuticals may create new preventive and therapeutic options in Alzheimer’s disease. To arrive at these observations, the authors examined how Neuropolen and diet delay neurodegeneration.
Materials and methods Imbalances in the gut microbiota can be also associated with the neurodegeneration. There is increasing interest in the role of the peripheral immune system in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. We are currently assessing whether indoles can also stimulate formation of neurons in Alzheimer’s disease.
Results It has now been shown that microbiota affects brain functions through various metabolites with potentially positive or, conversely, toxic properties. The immune system has a prominent role in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis with both innate and adaptive immunity in the central nervous system.
Conclusion Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive decline in memory and thinking severe enough to interfere with daily life. Existing evidence suggests that dietary lifestyle changes may affect cognitive function.
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, gut microbiota, brain-gut-microbiota axis, Neuropolen
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. med. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663
Background: Due to the digitization of film journalism, the video essay format is becoming more and more common, as an audiovisual version in which the entrepreneur presents part of his biography or his achievements. The adoption of video essays in the presentation of inventions or innovations has much greater potential, since personal video essays are works of non-fiction, the voice and image of the entrepreneur must be reliable.
Objectives: Video essays being a form that is developing now, we believe that it is an optimal time to promote them.
Materials and methods: In the first phase, it is worth studying the essay video speech. In the applied discussion of certain video essays, this paper focuses on those that suggest a successful transition between the written and the video essay.
Results: Video essays are informative, watching videos while the entrepreneur talks about his achievements, manages to simplify their reception to a significant extent. Video essays allow entrepreneurs to have short video clips already on hand, which makes it simple to illustrate an achievement.
Conclusion: The video presents a biographical fragment of an entrepreneur who, suffering from psoriasis, a disease that medicine classifies as incurable, does not accept reality and after some research discovers a treatment for this disease, a discovery that later helped tens of thousands of the sick to be healed. Being a creative spirit, the entrepreneur discovers other treatment methods to cure paralysis in dogs. The entrepreneur’s dream is to create his own laboratory and clinic where, together with famous doctors, he can treat patients whom allopathic medicine could not help.
Keywords: video essay, entrepreneur, natural remedies, herbal supplements, nutraceuticals
Natural modulation of the microbiota in patients with atopic dermatitis
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Atopic dermatitis is a long-standing inflammatory skin disease that is highly prevalent worldwide. The immune mechanisms involved in atopic dermatitis are complex and little is known about the possible role of the gut microbiota in the aetiopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Advancing knowledge of the cutaneous microbiome and its function in modulating the course of atopic dermatitis, might result in novel therapeutic strategies.
Objective Alergiplant could modulate the immune system through gut microbiota in atopic dermatitis.
Materials and methods The evaluation of the patients was based on history and physical examination. We investigated the effect Alergiplant in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Results It is not clear whether microbial change in atopic dermatitis is an outcome of barrier defect or the cause of barrier dysfunction and inflammation. Manipulation of the intestinal microbiota as a method for modifying atopy, may be attempted in many ways including avoidance of certain foods, supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics, optimising nutrient intake, minimising stress, antimicrobial therapy, correction and prevention of low stomach acid, and faecal microbiota transplantation. Probiotics had a positive effect on the severity of atopic dermatitis.
Conclusion The resident microbiota is important in maintaining structural and functional integrity of the gut and in immune system regulation. There was an increase of the intestinal permeability reported in patients with atopic dermatitis and a reduction of the cutaneous microbiome diversity. Modifying skin and gut microbiome by applying probiotic supplementation during early years may be a preventive and therapeutic option in high risk groups.
Keywords: atopic dermatitis, host-microbiome interaction; immune regulation; Alergiplant
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. med. Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663
Background Autism is a neurological disorder that affects normal brain development. A new study has demonstrated that autism is related to changes in the gut microbiome.
Objective The authors set out to study whether the nutraceuticals Neuropolen and Imuniplant can be a potential treatment for autism, to demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of disfunctional immune responses and whether Neuropolen can be a potential treatment for autism. Materials and methods Disruptions in the gut bacteria profiles may tend to strongly correlate with the increased risk and severity of autism. Many studies have shown that early colonization, mode of delivery, and antibiotic usage significantly affect the gut microbiome and the onset of autism.
Results The recent finding of the microbiota-gut-brain axis indicates the bidirectional connection between our gut and brain, demonstrating that gut microbiota can influence many neurological disorders such as autism. Like in other diseases associated with intestinal dysbiosis, it is unclear if the unbalanced microbiota is a causative factor or an effect of diabetes. Imuniplant may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, it modulates the immune system in autism. Neuropolen that may help minimize the degree of complications, stimulation enhances plasticity of the brain, in which noninjured parts of the brain can pick up the job of the injured brain areas.
Conclusion Our study shows that the gut microbiome is playing a role in the provocation of symptoms in kids with autism. Therapeutic approaches which target microbiota can help in management of autism.
Keywords: autism, the microbiota-gut-brain axis, gut dysbiosis, Imuniplant, Neuropolen
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663
Background Intestinal homeostasis is a crucial factor for the brain, and play a significant role in Alzheimer’s disease progression. Gut metabolites are vital in regulating neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory disorders by initiating autophagy.
Objectives The detailed mechanism of autophagy regulation by gut microbiota remains elusive, and little research only focused on that. We’ve evaluated Imuniplant, examined how diet interacts with the gut microbiota and inflammation and reviewed different interventions that can modulate microbiota and could modulate Alzheimer’s disease according to the underlying mechanisms whereby the gut-brain axis influences neurodegeneration.
Materials and methods Accumulating studies showed that metabolites derived from gut microbiota are involved in the autophagy activation of various organs, including the brain, one of the major pathways of the protein clearance system that is essential for protein aggregate clearance. Gut microbiota inhibits the protein degradation capacity by directly regulating autophagy, whereas a healthy gut reversely shows this effect.
Results This is because of a bidirectional connection between gut microbiota and the central nervous system, which is called the gut-brain axis. The mechanism by which gut microbiota regulates autophagy is still poorly understood. This study summarizes the relationship between gut microbiota and Alzheimer’s disease, focusing mainly on autophagy regulation and potential therapeutic interventions with Imuniplant to restore intestinal homeostasis and autophagy activation to Alzheimer’s disease.
Conclusion Gut microbiota can be considered a vital metabolic organ that plays an essential role in cognition. Our in vivo studies suggested that gut microbiota-derived metabolites, including neurotransmitters, neuromodulator peptides, short-chain fatty acids influence attenuating neuroinflammation.
Keywords: gut microbiota, autophagy, neurodegenerative diseases, brain injuries
Neuropolen for recovery after a stroke
1 Major Gheorghe Giurgiu
Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania
2 Prof. dr. Manole Cojocaru
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Background Ischemic stroke is the leading cause of long-term physical and psychological disabilities. Stroke can occur when a brain blood vessel becomes blocked, preventing nearby tissue from getting essential nutrients. The brain possesses an extraordinary ability to heal itself after a stroke. This ability, known as neuroplasticity. Within weeks of a stroke, new blood vessels begin to form, and newly born neurons migrate long distances to the damaged area to aid in the regeneration process of the brain.
Obiective The healing process cannot happen on its own. It requires your help to activate it. To determine whether Neuropolen can be a potential treatment for recovery after a stroke.
Materials and methods To arrive at these observations, we examined how Neuropolen and diet solve disabilities.
Results The key to treating a stroke and minimizing long-term damage is to quickly and effectively restore blood flow to the brain. We found that Neuropolen may be important for functional recovery after a stroke. Stroke patients may have access to Neuropolen that may help minimize the degree of complications, stimulation enhances plasticity of the brain, in which noninjured parts of the brain can pick up the job of the injured brain areas. It allows you to regain movement and other skills after a stroke.
Conclusion When a stroke occurs, part of the brain becomes damaged and many of these connections are destroyed. Neuropolen may be a potential therapy for recovery after a stroke, it can quickly feed oxygen to the brain and protect brain cells.Keywords: Neuropolen, neuroplasticity, recovery after a stroke
Skin microbiota and its interplay with wound and burn healing
Impact of Epithelial Bioregenerator
Impact of Epithelial Bioregenerator
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663
Background The skin microbiota is intimately coupled with cutaneous health and disease. Interactions between commensal microbiota and the multiple cell types involved in cutaneous wound healing regulate the immune response and promote barrier restoration. This dialog between host cells and the microbiome is dysregulated in chronic wounds and burns.
Objective To investigate whether changes in composition were present in the skin microbiome of individuals at risk of developing these lesions. Colonization of the wound and burn with commensal bacteria may promote wound and burn healing by inducing antimicrobial proteins such as Perforin-2, thus stimulating a protective immune response against pathogenic bacteria. Wound and burn infection with pathogenic bacteria results in Perforin-2 suppression in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells and inhibition of healing. A new study now shows that, in most cases, the causative agents of these infections are bacteria from the patient’s own skin. For this reason, authors investigated the impact of Epithelial Bioregenerator to eliminate microorganisms from the chronic wounds and burns.
Materials and methods Pathogenic microorganisms are suspected to play a substantial role in delayed wound and burn healing. These studies indicate that functional level differences between microbiota species, or even between specific microbiota strains, may play an important role in determining the clinical outcomes of chronic wounds and burns. Recent advances have enabled better characterization of bacteria in chronic wounds and burns.
Results We describe how, in contrast to pathogenic species capable of subverting skin immunity, commensals are essential for the regulation of the cutaneous immune system and provide protection from intracellular pathogens through modulation of the antimicrobial molecule, Perforin-2. Thus, analyzing skin microbiota composition in both the normal acute and impaired wound and burn healing processes is indispensable for the identification of novel therapeutic strategies for patients with chronic wounds and burns. Perforin-2 has been shown to be critical for the clearance of a variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens, highlighting its pivotal role in the host’s innate antimicrobial response.
Conclusion Chronic wounds and burns exhibit a hyperproliferative and non-migratory epidermis, unresolved inflammation, and fibrosis. Recent studies also showed that the skin microbiome is involved in wound and burn healing. Interactions between different species within the polymicrobial environment have been shown to be dynamic and to modify bacterial behavior, resulting in increased virulence and delayed wound and burn healing. It is necessary to further investigate such microbiome-host interactions to identify new potential treatments.
Keywords: microbiome, host-pathogen interactions, chronic wounds, burns, infection, Epithelial Bioregenerator
Gut microbiota mediates the immunomodulator effect of dietary cocoa: Impact of Polenoderm
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof Dr Med Manole Cojocaru2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Cocoa and its products are rich sources of polyphenols such as flavanols. However, cocoa polyphenols are poorly absorbed in the intestine, and most of them cannot reach the systemic circulation in their natural forms. In fact, once reaching the intestine, cocoa polyphenols interact bidirectionally with the gut microbiota.
Objective Acne also has close connections with the gastrointestinal tract, and many argue that the gut microbiota could be involved in the pathogenic process of acne. The purpose of this study was to compare the diversity of the skin microbiota in acne patients before and after taking Polenoderm which contents cocoa. Based on this observation, the effect of cocoa on the gut microbiota will be discussed in acne.
Materials and methods However, current knowledge of the cacao root-associated microbiome is limited. This review aims to summarize the available knowledge of the bidirectional interaction between cocoa polyphenols and gut microbiota in acne. This study concentrates on the skin and gut microbes in acne, the role that the gut-brain-skin axis plays in the immunobiology of acne, and newly emerging microbiome-based therapies that can be applied to treat acne.
Results Cocoa can modulate the composition of the gut microbiota exerting prebiotic mechanisms. Bioactive cocoa metabolites can enhance gut health, displaying anti-inflammatory activities, positively affecting immunity. Our study provides insight into the skin microbiota in acne and how it is modulated by Polenoderm and diet.
Conclusion Acne also has close connections with the gastrointestinal tract, and many argue that the gut microbiota could be involved in the pathogenic process of acne.
Keywords acne, gut-brain-skin axis microbiota, cocoa, Polenoderm, diet
Addressing key topics in the management of colorectal cancer: how would you manage these patients? Impact of Deniplant nutraceuticals
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof Dr Med Manole Cojocaru2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Colorectal cancer is still one of the most common types of cancer in the world, and the gut microbiome plays an important role in its development. Recent microbiome studies suggest that dysbiosis may in part contribute to the increasing prevalence. Nutraceuticals could be a helpful starting point in the design and development of novel colon cancer preventive agents.
Objective The use of nutraceuticals among other approaches, could improve the dysbiosis of patients with colorectal cancer. We decided to evaluate the effect Deniplant nutraceuticals in the management of colorectal cancer.
Materials and methods Currently, dietary correction of nutrition is crucial in prevention of colorectal cancer. The use of Deniplant nutraceuticals could be interesting in the managementof dysbiosis in these patients.
Results The microbiome is involved in the carcinogenesis, formation and progression of colorectal cancer as well as its response to different systemic therapies. Understanding the composition, dynamics, and stability of a patient’s microbiota and identifying changes that occur during disease onset or progression can aid in the development of personalized microbiota-based therapies. By modulating the gut microbiome, colorectal cancer can be prevented in high-risk populations, and responses to chemotherapy and immunotherapy can be improved. Nutraceuticals such as prebiotic molecules and probiotic bacterial species can help maintain intestinal microbial homeostasis.
Conclusion Therefore, future research and clinical trials on the gut microbiome in oncology as well as in the treatment of colorectal cancer patients are warranted to determine the efficacy of systemic treatments for colorectal cancer, minimize adverse effects and increase survival rates.
Keywords gut microbiome, colorectal cancer, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Links of gut microbiota composition in patients suffering from alcoholic dependence
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Alcohol is another dietary disruptor of the intestinal microbiota. Alteration in the composition of the gut microbiota has recently been shown to be present in psychiatric disorders, which suggests the possibility of gut-to-brain interactions in the development of alcohol dependence.
Objectives To identify the changes in the composition of the gut microbiota affected by alcohol, and to explore whether changes in gut permeability are linked to gut-microbiota composition in alcohol-dependent subjects.
Materials and methods Dysbiosis can be caused by alcoholic beverage consumption. We examine alcohol-induced effects on microbiota and how interventions targeted at normalizing alcohol-induced dysbiosis may mitigate some of the detrimental effects of alcohol.
Results Alcoholic dependence was inversely associated with the levels of butyrate-producing. Subjects with increased gut permeability also had altered composition and activity of the gut microbiota. These results suggest the existence of a gut-brain axis in alcohol dependence, which implicates the gut microbiota as an actor in the gut barrier and in behavioral disorders. Alcohol-associated diseases can be controlled by gut microbiota, and it can be considered a ‘hidden organ’ with essential functions in host homeostasis
Conclusion This paper addresses the effect of alcohol consumtion on the microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal hyperpermeability due to alcohol intake makes it easier for bacterial cells and their metabolites to enter the portal and the systemic circulation system, thus changes in gut microbiota, due to alcohol, can affect the gastrointestinal tract and other organs in the body. Alcohol-dependent subjects developed gut leakiness.
Keywords:alcoholic dependence syndrome, gut microbiota; gut permeability; gut-brain axis
Food additives: Impact on the gut microbiome, increase anxiety
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Studies have shown that our gut health and the health of our gut bacteria can have a substantial influence on our mental well-being. A number of important functions performed by the gut microbiome are well recognized including the digestion of polysaccharides, biosynthesis of vitamins and nutrients, colonization resistance, and immune system modulation
Objectives The functional profiles in the gut microbiome can be perturbed by additives. The role of additives in gut microbiome toxicity still remains underappreciated. With our expertise we’ve evaluated Antistress Tea, examined how diet and anxiety reciprocally interact with the gut microbiota and inflammation and reviewed different interventions that can modulate microbiota and could modulate the anxiety according to the underlying mechanisms whereby the gut-brain axis influences anxiety.
Materials and methods The human gut microbiome can be easily disturbed upon exposure to a range of additives. In fact, the gut bacteria play an important role in the biotransformation of additives. Food additives can cause worsening intestinal inflammation.
Results Environmentally induced perturbation in the gut microbiome is strongly associated with human disease risk. These additives induced perturbations are potentially linked to elevated disease risks. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, colorectal cancer, and neurological disorders can be at least in part attributed to undesirable functional alterations in the gut microbiome
Conclusion The human gut microbiome has received unprecedented attention over the past decade. The exposure to various additives leads to functional perturbation in the gut microbiome. Healthier diets can reduce the risk of anxiety.
Keywords: gut microbiome, additives, anxiety, Antistress Tea
Imuniplant could influence cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The inflammatory response is an essential part of the immune system for its function; otherwise, pathogens would be difficult to eliminate. SARS-CoV-2 might induce excessive and prolonged cytokine responses, resulting in lung damage and multiple organ failure. Excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines, also known as cytokine storm, is a severe clinical syndrome known to develop as a complication of infectious or inflammatory diseases.
Objective We aim to summarize the mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the subsequent immunological events related to excessive cytokine production and inflammatory responses associated with ACE2-AngII signaling. Imuniplant could modulate the immune system through gut microbiota in SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Materials and methods The mechanism(s) by which SARS-CoV-2 infection induces cytokine overproduction is not yet fully understood. The evaluation of the patients was based on history and physical examination. We investigated the effect Imuniplant in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Results The cytokine storm may be an important factor in disease progression, even leading to multiple organ failure and death. The cytokine storm is also directly related to the severity of COVID-19 disease. Therefore, using strategies to effectively suppress cytokine storm is essential for preventing disease deterioration in patients with COVID-19 and for saving patients’ lives, which is of great significance for the treatment of critically ill patients and for reducing the mortality rate.
Conclusion Systemic immune over activation due to SARS-CoV-2 infection causes the cytokine storm. Most COVID-19 complications are related to the inflammatory response and cytokine storm, therefore immunosuppression plays an important role in the management of these patients.
Keywords: cytokine storm, COVID-19, immune response, therapy, Imuniplant
Gut microbiota mediates the immunomodulator effect of dietary capsaicin
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof Dr Med Manole Cojocaru2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Dysbiotic gut microbiota has been identified as a primary mediator for triggering the chronic low-grade inflammation. The impact of capsaicin on gut microbiota has not been well studied. Growing evidences showed that the microbiota plays a fundamental role on the induction, training, and function of the host immune system. Capsaicin has attracted interest in the field of antimicrobial studies.
The objective of this study to assess whether the modulation of the gut microbiota induced by the administration of capsaicin has the immunomodulator effect. To determine whether the anti-inflammatory effect is related to the modulation of the gut microbiota.
Materials and methods The gut microbiota has numerous physiological and pathological interactions with the host, such as the chronic inflammatory state. The dietary Capsaicin induced increased levels of butyrate. Capsaicin significantly increased butyragenic bacteria and decreased lipopolysaccharide producing bacteria and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis.
Results Therefore, our experiments showed that gut microbiota dysbiosis may reduce inflammation. Here, we found that the beneficial effects on inflammation of capsaicin treatment were associated with a modest modulation of gut microbiota. Capsaicin seems to have bacteriostatic activity against some Gram-negative bacteria. It also inhibits the formation of biofilm, which is essential for bacteria adhesion.
Conclusion These data suggest that the immunomodular effect of capsaicin is associated with a modest modulation of the gut microbiota. Our study has demonstrated the critical role of the gut microbiome in mediating the protective effects of capsaicin.
Keywords capsaicin, chronic low-grade inflammation, gut barrier, gut microbiota
The role of anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals and herbal products Deniplant for preventing of cardiovascular disease
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. med. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background In recent years, the role of inflammation in atherogenesis has been underpinned by nutraceuticals approaches targeting systemic inflammation that have led to a significant reduction in cardiovascular disease risk. Extensive research within the last two decades has revealed that cardiovascular disease is mediated through chronic inflammation.
Objectives Diet is an important lifestyle determinant of health and can influence both systemic and vascular inflammation. Thus, the aim of this presentation is the use of nutraceuticals with effective anti-inflammatory properties. We focus on nutraceuticals, which are beneficial in treatment of dyslipidemia.
Materials and methods The use of nutraceuticals to prevent cardiovascular disease has largely focused on the use of nutraceuticals to reduce inflammatory markers may include a diverse leukocyte population that includes neutrophils, dendritic cells, macrophages, eosinophils, and mast cells, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen. Specifically, the colon is host to a diverse microbiota which can influence inflammation through its metabolites.
Results Inflammation also plays a key role in the physiology of cardiovascular disease. During our studies, inflammatory biomarkers have been assessed. We have shown nutraceuticals to modulate inflammatory pathways. Various nutraceuticals from Deniplant have been shown to suppress proinflammatory pathways. Through the brain-gut-microbiota axis, the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in regulating inflammation.
Conclusion Nutraceuticals are natural compounds, which have numerous anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering effects. The majority of nutraceuticals studied possess beneficial effect. Anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals may serve as complementary medicine for the management of cardiovascular disease risk. There is enormous potential for dietary agents that can modulate inflammatory pathways in humans.
Keywords: inflammation, biomarkers clinical study, anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals Deniplant, cardiovascular disease risk
The causal impacts of human migration and COVID-19
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background There is a growing literature that studies and attempts to estimate the impact of a pandemic on air pollution. A new class of corona virus, known as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute coronary respiratory syndrome 2), has been shown to be responsible for the onset of this disease. Migrants – especially in unpaid and irregular jobs – may be more affected and vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19, but migrants also play an important role in responding to COVID-19 by working in critical sectors.
Objectives To discuss data on migrants that may inform how they are potentially affected by COVID-19 syndrome and are part of the pandemic response.
Materials and methods Migrants, regardless of where they work, make important contributions to the pandemic, but are also at greater risk of contracting the virus.
Results COVID restrictions have an impact on the mobility of migrants and their role as humanitarian organizations. International students have also been affected by mobility restrictions in both their countries of origin and their countries of destination. Another peer-reviewed analysis of national data sets shows that migrants from high-income countries are at increased risk of infection and death from COVID-19.
Conclusion As international migrants are a very heterogeneous group, the effects on their health are also varied. However, all studies included in this review focused on migrants, displaced persons who are at higher / higher risk of becoming infected due to their life and work.
Keywords: COVID-19, human migration, risk of infection, health
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The interactions between the nasopharyngeal microbiota and host immunity are complex, dynamic and context-dependent. The gut microbiota and its metabolites have been shown to influence immune functions and immune homeostasis both locally and systemically. The risk and clinical outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection vary widely among individuals. SARS-CoV-2 infection increases the host’s susceptibility to Staphylococcus aureus superinfection by reducing the immune system’s ability to regulate its clearance from the nasal passage.
Objective To demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of SARS-CoV-2 infection, to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Materials and methods Studies have shown that the nasopharyngeal microbiome influences host toll-like receptor (TLR) expression, which is involved in virus detection. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and Imuniplant from Deniplant in immune function
Results In SARS-CoV-2-infected groups, Staphylococcus was the most abundant genus on average. At the species level, the SARS-CoV-2 infected group had common nasopharyngeal opportunistic pathogens, including Haemophilus influenzae, and Staphylococcus aureus. Notably, the SARS-CoV-2-infected group had Klebsiella aerogenes as the most abundant species and a higher mean relative abundance of Enterobacteriaceae. Further work is needed to determine the functional characteristics of the nasopharyngeal microbiome.
Conclusion The mechanisms underlying these differences in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) progression and pathogenesis remain unclear. Imuniplant may restore the composition of the nasopharyngeal microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to nasopharyngeal microbial communities
Keywords: Nasopharyngeal microbiome, SARS-CoV-2 infection status, Imuniplant
Natural modulation of the microbiota in patients with atopic dermatitis
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Atopic dermatitis is a long-standing inflammatory skin disease that is highly prevalent worldwide. The immune mechanisms involved in atopic dermatitis are complex and little is known about the possible role of the gut microbiota in the aetiopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Advancing knowledge of the cutaneous microbiome and its function in modulating the course of atopic dermatitis, might result in novel therapeutic strategies.
Objective Alergiplant could modulate the immune system through gut microbiota in atopic dermatitis.
Materials and methods The evaluation of the patients was based on history and physical examination. We investigated the effect Alergiplant in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Results It is not clear whether microbial change in atopic dermatitis is an outcome of barrier defect or the cause of barrier dysfunction and inflammation. Manipulation of the intestinal microbiota as a method for modifying atopy, may be attempted in many ways including avoidance of certain foods, supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics, optimising nutrient intake, minimising stress, antimicrobial therapy, correction and prevention of low stomach acid, and faecal microbiota transplantation. Probiotics had a positive effect on the severity of atopic dermatitis.
Conclusion The resident microbiota is important in maintaining structural and functional integrity of the gut and in immune system regulation. There was an increase of the intestinal permeability reported in patients with atopic dermatitis and a reduction of the cutaneous microbiome diversity. Modifying skin and gut microbiome by applying probiotic supplementation during early years may be a preventive and therapeutic option in high risk groups.
Keywords: atopic dermatitis, host-microbiome interaction; immune regulation; Alergiplant
Nutraceuticals and osteoarthritis pain: Impact of Artropol
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1,Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The prevalence of osteoarthritis increases not only because of longer life expectancy but also because of the modern lifestyle, in particular physical inactivity and diets low in fiber and rich in sugar and saturated fats, which promote chronic low-grade inflammation and obesity. The gut microbiome may shed light on this possible common pathogenesis.
Objectives Nutraceuticals have recently been shown to have potential in relieving osteoarthritis pain. The purpose of this study was to review the association between gut microbiome and pain in the osteoarthritis population. This study designed to evaluate the effect of nutraceutical supplementation on pain intensity and physical function in patients with knee/hip osteoarthritis. The objective of this review is to discuss the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of Artropol.
Materials and methods Nutraceuticals refer to compounds or materials that can function as nutrition and exert a potential therapeutic effect, including the relief of pain, such as pain related to arthritis, of which osteoarthritis is the most common form. We will overview osteoarthritis pain and the use of Artropol in osteoarthritis pain management, focusing on those that have been evaluated by clinical trials.
Results Our study opens new horizons for the managing of degenerative joint diseases. Nutraceuticals and dietary supplements derived from herbs have long been used in traditional medicine and there is considerable evidence that nutraceuticals may play an important role in inflammation and joint destruction in osteoarthritis.
Conclusion The study indicates Artropol may represent promising alternative for the relief of osteoarthritis pain. Such prevention and alternative/adjunct therapies could come from nutraceuticals.
Keywords: osteoarthritis, pain management, nutraceuticals, Artropol
Modulation of gut microbiota through nutritional interventions
for endometriosis pain management
for endometriosis pain management
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1, Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2, Dr. Mihnea Andrei Nicodin3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
3Central Clinic Military Hospital, Dept. of Gynecology, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +0724238454
Background The pathophysiology of endometriosis remains unknown. Inflammation has a main role in the progression of endometriosis. Endometriosis is characterized by infertility and chronic pelvic pain, yet treatment options remain limited. Some findings have highlighted the main role of inflammation in endometriosis by acting on proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis. The introduction of new agents can be effective in improving the condition of patients; for example, plants are promising sources of bioactive natural components
Objectives These natural compounds could be interesting strategies in therapy. While there is no absolute cure for this condition, some home remedies can relieve pain and discomfort it bring. The purpose of this presentation is to summarize the potential action of Deniplant nutraceuticals
in endometriosis by acting on inflammation.
Materials and methods The primary symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic pain and infertility. The use of Deniplant nutraceuticals could be interesting in disease management for women.
Results Treating pain-related aspects of endometriosis would contribute to the improvement of mental health and daytime function. Because the microbiome can influence inflammation, new therapies can develop through its natural modulation. There are other options, including natural remedies, herbs like cinnamon twig or licorice root, or supplements, such as thiamine, magnesium, or omega-3 fatty acids.
Conclusion Endometriosis remains a troubling and enigmatic gynecologic condition that affects many women. Deniplant nutraceuticals can downregulate inflammation in endometriosis. Nevertheless, the limited number of studies focusing on the different interactions of Deniplant nutraceuticals in endometriosis restricts its clear and immediate use in a therapeutic strategy.
Keywords: endometriosis, gut microbiota, diet, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Major (r) Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof. dr. med. Manole Cojocaru2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
correspondence author:
Background Conditions such as cancers, metabolic disorders, psoriasis, and degenerative disorders have been found to be related to epigenetic alterations. Diet is one of the more easily studied, and therefore better understood, environmental factors in epigenetic change. Thus, an enhanced understanding of how epigenetic mechanisms modulate gene expression and how nutrition can optimize healthy epigenetic patterns can positively influence human health.
The aim of the present project is to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations and modulate the epigenetic error in psoriatic disease.
Materials and methods Nutrients could interact with the epigenome to „protect or boost cognitive processes across the lifespan”. As we better understand the connections between diet and the epigenome, the opportunity arises for clinical applications in psoriasis.
Results Recent studies have shown positive results for epigenetic-based therapies for psoriasis, which may be a field of increased focus in the coming years in search of better treatments. Deniplant tea can restore epigenetic alterations, resulting in amelioration or prevention of psoriasis and other systemic disease phenotypes, possibly also as a genetic modulator (CARD14 gene). The authors made EGO-Deniplant an online program for food control, modulating symptoms in psoriasis.
Conclusion Epigenetic alterations have given insight into the understanding of the pathophysiology of psoriatic disease.
Keywords: psoriazis, epigenetic alterations, Deniplant tea, EGO-Deniplant
Role of gut microbiota in Alzheimer’s disease
Prof dr Manole COJOCARU1, Major Gheorghe GIURGIU2
1Associate member of Romanian Academy of Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest
2Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest
Correspondence address: Manole Cojocaru
e mail
Tel: +40 723 326 663
Background Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive decline in memory and thinking severe enough to interfere with daily life. Disturbances along the brain-gut-microbiota axis may significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Alterations in the gut microbiota composition induce increased permeability of the gut barrier and immune activation leading to systemic inflammation, which in turn may impair the blood-brain barrier and promote neuroinflammation, neural injury, and ultimately neurodegeneration. Nutrition is known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, the use of nutraceuticals is an approach to delay neurodegeneration.
Objective There is a strong link between Alzheimer’s disease and chronic inflammation. Modification of the gut microbiota composition by nutraceuticals may create new preventive and therapeutic options in Alzheimer’s disease.
Materials and methods Imbalances in the gut microbiota can be also associated with the neurodegeneration. Proteins produced by certain intestinal bacteria, identified in the blood of patients, could modify the interaction between the immune and the nervous systems which trigger the disease.
Results It has been shown that microbiota affects brain functions through various metabolites with potentially positive or, conversely, toxic properties. The immune system has a prominent role in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis through both innate and adaptive immunity in the central nervous system.
Conclusion Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive decline in memory and thinking severe enough to interfere with daily life. Existing evidence suggests that lifestyle changes and nutrition may affect cognitive function.
Keywords: gut microbiota, brain-gut-microbiota axis, Alzheimer‘s disease
The microbiome of seminal fluid: Impact of Imuniplant on sperm quality
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. med. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The microbiome of semen is a field of increasing scientific interest. Compared to other body sites, the seminal microbiota has been minimally investigated. The seminal microbiota and its metabolites have been shown to influence immune functions and immune homeostasis both locally and systemically. Recent studies indicate that presence of bacteria in semen is relatively frequent, including in fertile individuals with normal sperm parameters.
Objectives To demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of sperm quality.
Materials and methods Imuniplant modulation of the immune system has applications within the clinical setting, it can also have a role in healthy populations, acting on sperm quality. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and Imuniplant from Deniplant on sperm quality.
Results Seminal fluid has a unique microbiome. This review discusses the microbiome of seminal fluid, the link between seminal microbiome dysbiosis and male infertility. The host immune system may play a crucial role in the dynamics of the semen microbiota. The simple presence of bacteria in semen samples may compromise sperm quality. This presentation describes how alterations in the bacterial composition of semen have been linked to a variety of disorders, including infertility and poor semen quality, prostatitis. Male reproductive tracts are not sterile and that the male reproductive tract harbors a large number of bacteria. Imuniplant and semen microbes play a role in fertile individuals.
Conclusion A dysbiotic microbiota composition may have an influence on sperm quality. Imuniplant may restore the composition of the seminal microbiota.
Keywords:seminalmicrobiota,bacterial communities, male infertility, Imuniplant
Impact of Deniplant nutraceuticals on inflammation in elderly people
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Elderly people are at increased risk for micronutrient deficiencies due to a variety of factors including social, physical, economic, and emotional obstacles to eating. Interestingly, many clinical issues, such as concomitant exposure to multiple drugs/antibiotics, dietary modifications and constipation, that generally accompany senescence are also closely correlated with perturbations in gut microbiome composition and functions.
Objective The direct modulation of gut microbiome that could diminish inflammatory responses and ameliorate adaptive immune responses is major pathway to stabilize immunosenescence. The regular use of nutraceuticals by the elderly population may provide an opportunity to enhance immunity.
Materials and methods. Nutraceuticals can be broadly defined to include functional foods, dietary supplements, and medical foods. Together, these observations again hint that maintaining the gut microbiota homeostasis could be beneficial for maintaining gut and overall health, whereas perturbations in gut microbiota could upset several features of host health.
Results There are three main contributions to healthy aging: genetics and family history; lifestyle practices and exercise; and diet and nutrition. Our microbiota influences various features of not only our intestinal but also systemic immune and inflammatory components, suggesting that age-related deteriorations in immune-modulatory status. Dysbiosis in gut microbiota and microbial metabolites are known to be associated with aberrations of gut barrier integrity and enhanced pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Conclusion The gut microbiota is considered to be a master regulator of immune homeostasis. Besides modifying the gut microbiota, prebiotics have also been observed to have anti-inflammatory effect and positively modulate the immune system in elderly people.
Keywords: aging, dysbiosis, nutraceuticals,
Imuniplant can influence disfunctional immune responses in elderly people
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof. dr. Manole Cojocaru2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The immune system plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy by providing a fine balance between the elimination of invading pathogens and the maintenance of tolerance to healthy self-tissue. It is now evident that the gut microbiota has a profound effect on the host immune system and can affect autoimmune-related diseases. The interactions between the gut microbiota and host immunity are complex, dynamic and context-dependent. The gut microbiota and its metabolites have been shown to influence immune functions and immune homeostasis both locally and systemically. Antibiotic treatments, vaccinations and hygiene practices all can alter gut microbiota composition.
Objectives To demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of disfunctional immune responses. The direct modulation of gut microbiome that could diminish inflammatory responses and ameliorate adaptive immune responses is major pathway to stabilize immunosenescence.
Materials and methods Recent reports indicate that dysbiosis is increased in aging. Imuniplant modulation of the immune system has applications within the clinical setting, but can also have a role in the aging population, acting to reduce or delay the onset of immune-mediated chronic diseases. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and Imuniplant in immune function and inflammation in elderly people.
Results A dysfunctional immune system can cause a whole range of pro-inflammatory conditions like impaired gut function, weakened responses to new infection. Imuniplant may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other systemic diseases.
Conclusion The composition of the gut microbiota changes with age. The gut microbiota is considered to be a master regulator of immune homeostasis. Besides modifying the gut microbiota, Imuniplant modulates the immune system in elderly people
Keywords: aging, disfunctional immune responses, gut microbiota, immunomodulation, Imuniplant
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Dr Simona Criste2, Prof dr Manole COJOCARU3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +4 0744 827 881
2Central Clinic Military Hospital, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +4 0726 784 770
3Member of Academy of Romanian Scientists, Scientific Researcher degree I
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Professor of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
European Specialist of Laboratory Medicine
Senior Specialist of Allergology and Clinical Immunology; Telephone: +4 0723 326 663
When studying the role of the microbiota in pregnancy, it is crucial to consider the stage at which the essential interaction between the host and its microbes begins. The gut microbiota changes dramatically during pregnancy. The gut microbiota during pregnancy is influenced not only by internal cues, but also by environmental factors, primarily by diet. The maternal microbiome has emerged as an important factor in gestational health and outcome and is associated with risk of preterm birth and fetuses morbidity. Microbial metabolites, e.g. short-chain fatty acids affect gut-brain signaling and the immune response. Pregnancy is shown to alter the maternal gut microbiota. Recent studies have suggested that changes to the microbiota during pregnancy may influence these pregnancy-associated metabolic changes. The vaginal microbiome becomes dominated by Lactobacilli species during pregnancy. Bacterial infections during pregnancy can be caused by a single species of bacteria, by an imbalance in the microbiomes, or by gut dissemination of bacteria. In pregnancy dramatical changes of the maternal microbiota affects neonatal immune responses and maturation the design product. Clinically, abnormal changes in the vaginal microbiome have been associated with pre- term birth. It is, therefore, not surprising that there are also significant changes in the micro- biome during pregnancy when there is an excess of weight with metabolic and immunological changes occur. We believe that the microbial alterations observed during pregnancy are vital for a healthy pregnancy. In this presentation, we summarize the known changes in microbial composition throughout pregnancy in the gut, vagina, oral cavity and placenta.
Keywords: pregnancy, microbiome, bacterial infections, probiotics
Graphological Analysis: A potential psychodiagnostic investigative method for neurotoxicity detection of immunotherapies in cancer patients
1 Major Gheorghe Giurgiu
Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania
2 Prof. dr. Manole Cojocaru
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Background Neurotoxicity may occur as a result of exposure to neurotoxins, is reversible, and can be detected by specialized management of the cancer patient. Neurotoxicity can be chronic when the nervous system is exposed to lower doses of neurotoxins, but for a long time, but can also be acute, when exposure has occurred to high concentrations of toxic substances.
Objectives The development of a methodology aimed at optimizing the management of the patient with immunotherapy in the field of hematological malignancies, would allow the early detection of neurotoxic manifestations such as neuromotor problems (uncoordinated movements, limb tremor), cognitive impairment. Handwriting analysis may help identify neurotoxicity before other symptoms and clinical signs occur. Graphological features define script attributes like layout configuration, letter size, shape, slant and skew angle of lines, etc.
Materials and methods A graphological analysis requires a complex interpretation process.
Results The research paper contains a critical analysis of handwritten texts, presents a model that links features from handwritten images. After the extraction, data is classified using a neural network. An experimental framework with real samples has been constructed to illustrate the performance of the approach.
Conclusion The research paper contains a critical analysis of the graphological approach. Patients who manifest neurotoxicity develop neurocognitive deficits that are consistent with frontal network systems dysfunction including executive dysfunction, reduced learning and memory, impaired fine motor dexterity. Early detection of toxicity may allow early intervention. Dysbiosis (malfunction of the microbiome) can promote the development of neurotoxicity. The microbiome’s protective function could be used in the future.
Keywords: cancer patients, immunotherapies, graphological analysis, microbiome
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus. A significant number of those who are chronically infected will develop cirrhosis or liver cancer. Sexuality is an important aspect of the quality of life.
Objective The virus itself may play a direct role in causing sexual dysfunction. The frequency of sexual dysfunction is not very well known in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatitis C virus infection is a global health burden that affects quality of life, with a negative impact on sexual functioning. Sexual dysfunction appears to be more frequent among chronic hepatitis C virus infection patients than among the general population. This study designed to evaluate the effect of nutraceutical supplementation on sexual dysfunction in patients with hepatitis C virus.
Material and methods Several studies have suggested that chronic hepatitis C virus infection may be associated with sexual dysfunction. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction with sexual life in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection was jointly investigated via a thorough psychopathological analysis.
Results The male sex hormone (testosterone) is typically lowered with advanced liver disease, while the female sex hormone (estrogen) typically increases. Because alcohol abuse further lowers testosterone levels, alcoholic men with hepatitis C who have progressed to advanced liver disease are particularly vulnerable to sexual dysfunction issues.
Conclusion The increasing prevalence of, the possibility of hepatitis C virus infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of sexual dysfunction. This study reviews sexual dysfunction in patients with hepatitis C virus after Deniplant nutraceuticals.
Keywords: sexual dysfunction, hepatitis C virus infection, chronic viral hepatic diseases, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic disease of the pilosebaceous unit. Patients experience multiple nodules, abscesses, and draining fistulae in intertriginous skin, which cause a significant impact on their quality of life. The skin microbiome thus plays a critical role in the induction and education of host immunity, enabling sustained tolerance to innocuous antigens, a process termed “homeostatic immunity”.
Objective To arrive at these observations, the authors examined how Polenoplasmin and Imuniplant solve hidrosadenitis suppurativa.
Materials and methods The cutaneous microbiota is a necessary component of the immune barrier, with commensal skin microorganisms preventing the colonisation and growth of pathogenic bacteria, a process known as colonisation resistance. In this review we assimilate the existing literature regarding the role played by the cutaneous microbiome in hidradenitis suppurativa to identify novel and much needed treatment strategies.
Results The pathophysiology of hidradenitis suppurativa is multifaceted and is the product of interactions between inflammation, a genetic tendency, the cutaneous microbiome, and environmental factors. Whilst it is now recognised as an autoinflammatory condition rather than an infective disease, bacteria are implicated in disease pathogenesis. Hidradenitis suppurativa skin appears to have a microbiome distinct from that of healthy skin and which is overwhelmingly populated by anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria. Further research should be undertaken examining the cutaneous and gut microbiome in hidradenitis suppurativa.
Conclusion Our research investigating the role of microbiota in the development of inflammatory skin diseases has largely focused on hidradenitis suppurativa, this may help identify potential future therapeutic targets.
Keywords: hidradenitis suppurativa, cutaneous microbiome, Polenoplasmin, Imuniplant
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof dr Manole Cojocaru2, Dr Simona Criste3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
3Central Clinic Military Hospital, Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +0726784770
Background Human papillomavirus infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Certain vaginal microbial strains may play either a protective or a pathogenic role in carcinogenesis of the cervix after human papillomavirus persistent infection. Probiotics can therefore present a putative therapeutic approach for human papillomavirus infection. This review will also describe critical immune factors in lower genital tract health and summarize the role of the vaginal microbiota in cervical carcinogenesis.
Objective Most of the time, the body eliminates these viruses by itself. The data suggest that human papillomavirus infection, especially oncogenic human papillomavirus types, is strongly associated with a non-Lactobacillus–dominant vaginal microbiota. We evaluated Deniplant nutraceuticals against human papillomavirus infection.
Materials and methods However, the total human papillomavirus prevalence caused by human papillomavirus types that are not covered by the vaccine is still high, indicating that more interventions to reduce these human papillomavirus infections are still needed. The authors believe that this dysbiosis facilitates infection by the virus. The use of Deniplant nutraceuticals could be interesting in the managementof dysbiosis in these patients.
Results Persistent human papillomavirus infections are the main cause of cervical cancers. Knowing the vaginal microbiota composition associated with such infections could help identify new therapeutic strategies to prevent cervical cancer. The analyses also showed that Human papillomavirus infection is characterized by depleted bacterial richness and lower bacterial diversity.
Conclusion Vaginal human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection. The analyses showed that human papillomavirus infection is associated with a disturbance of the vaginal microbiota, It is usually asymptomatic.
Keywords vaginal microbiota, human papillomavirus, immune system, probiotic therapy, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Imuniplant can influence disfunctional immune responses in elderly people
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The immune system plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy by providing a fine balance between the elimination of invading pathogens and the maintenance of tolerance to healthy self-tissue. It is now evident that the gut microbiota has a profound effect on the host immune system and can affect autoimmune-related diseases. The interactions between the gut microbiota and host immunity are complex, dynamic and context-dependent. The gut microbiota and its metabolites have been shown to influence immune functions and immune homeostasis both locally and systemically. Antibiotic treatments, vaccinations and hygiene practices all can alter gut microbiota composition.
Objectives To demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of disfunctional immune responses. The direct modulation of gut microbiome that could diminish inflammatory responses and ameliorate adaptive immune responses is major pathway to stabilize immunosenescence.
Materials and methods Recent reports indicate that dysbiosis is increased in aging. Imuniplant modulation of the immune system has applications within the clinical setting, but can also have a role in the aging population, acting to reduce or delay the onset of immune-mediated chronic diseases. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and Imuniplant in immune function and inflammation in elderly people.
Results A dysfunctional immune system can cause a whole range of pro-inflammatory conditions like impaired gut function, weakened responses to new infection. Imuniplant may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other systemic diseases.
Conclusion The composition of the gut microbiota changes with age. The gut microbiota is considered to be a master regulator of immune homeostasis. Besides modifying the gut microbiota, Imuniplant modulates the immune system in elderly people
Keywords: aging, disfunctional immune responses, gut microbiota, immunomodulation, Imuniplant
Natural products as targeted modulators of the immune system
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof dr med Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The immune system plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy by providing a fine balance between the elimination of invading pathogens and the maintenance of tolerance to healthy self-tissue. It is now evident that the gut microbiota has a profound effect on the host immune system and can affect autoimmune-related diseases. The interactions between the gut microbiota and host immunity are complex, dynamic and context-dependent. The gut microbiota and its metabolites have been shown to influence immune functions and immune homeostasis both locally and systemically. Antibiotic treatments, vaccinations and hygiene practices all can alter gut microbiota composition.
Objectives To demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of disfunctional immune responses.
Materials and methods Imuniplant modulation of the immune system has applications within the clinical setting, but can also have a role in healthy populations, acting to reduce or delay the onset of immune-mediated chronic diseases. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and Imuniplant from Deniplant in immune function
Results A dysfunctional immune system can cause a whole range of pro-inflammatory conditions like impaired gut function, weakened responses to new infection as well as a high metabolic burden. Imuniplant may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other intestinal or systemic disease phenotypes.
Conclusion This presentation describes how Imuniplant and intestinal luminal conversion by gut microbes play a role in immune-mediated chronic diseases.
Keywords: disfunctional immune responses, gut microbiota, immunomodulation, Imuniplant
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background So far oncological pathologies have only had a genetic approach, recent research suggests the idea of a metabolic and immune dysfunction, as claimed by cellular medicine.
Objectives Through nutritional immunization and intake of nutritional supplements that potentiate appropriate diets that are an integral part of orthomolecular medicine, the goal is to restore the metabolic and immune balance.
Materials and methods The regime includes rotating, complex, carefully monitored diets, with complex food schemes and protocols, nutritional supplements, which always depend on the patient’s status.
Results Some rules that we must take into account: minimizing iron intake; low calorie diet; diet low in synthetic sugars; diet low in animal protein; diet low in saturated fat; minimum physical exercise 45-60 min daily; the rational administration of nutritional supplements complements the personalized diet; avoiding stress (leads to oxidative processes), rest and balanced life; increasing immunity and regulating the correct functioning of the immune system; the therapeutic post; alkalization diet; metabolic processes are improved in oncological patients who are not overweight, the presence of heavy metals (investigations show that tumor pathologies are favored by the presence of Fe, Al, Hg, Cd, Cu, etc.); investigation and detection of latent infections.
Conclusion Adequate treatments are needed, as each patient is different, and so are the tumors. New discoveries are based on immunology, genetics, molecular biology as an interdisciplinary approach. Metabolomics, genomics, proteomics, nutrigenomics bring new arguments in favor of cognitive therapies, much more widely developed in oncological treatments, through targeted molecular medicine, namely immuno-oncology.
Keywords: neoplasia, orthomolecular medicine, immunonutritherapy, metabolic and immune balance.
Gut Microbiome and Metabolites in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:
Link, Mechanisms and Deniplant Intervention
Link, Mechanisms and Deniplant Intervention
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), often considered the prototype of autoimmune diseases, is characterized by over-activation of the autoimmune system with abnormal functions of innate and adaptive immune cells and the production of a large number of autoantibodies against nuclear components. Given the highly complex and heterogeneous nature of SLE, the pathogenesis of this disease remains incompletely understood and is presumed to involve both genetic and environmental factors.
Objective An intricate relationship between gut microbiome changes and metabolic alterations could help explain the mechanisms by which gut bacteria play roles in the pathogenesis of SLE. To arrive at these observations, we examined how Deniplant intervention solve disabilities.
Materials and methods Currently, disturbance of the gut microbiota has emerged as a novel player involved in the pathogenesis of SLE. With in-depth research, the understanding of the intestinal bacteria-host interaction in SLE is much more comprehensive.
Results Recent years have also seen an increase in metabolomics studies in SLE with the attempt to identify potential biomarkers for diagnosis or disease activity monitoring. Fundamental advancements on the role of the microbiota in SLE pathology have been achieved in recent years. Here, we review the role of microbiota dysbiosis in the aetiology of SLE and how intestinal microbiota interact with the host metabolism axis.
Conclusion A proposed treatment strategy for SLE based on gut microbiome regulation is also discussed in this study. Increasing our understanding of gut microbiota and their function in lupus will provide us with novel opportunities to develop effective and precise diagnostic strategies and to explore potential microbiota-based treatments for patients with lupus.
Keywords lupus, gut microbiome, intervention
Addressing key topics in the management of urolithiasis: how would you manage these patients? Impact of Deniplant nutraceuticals
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof Dr Med Manole Cojocaru2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Studies have indicated the urinary microbiome is distinctive between men and women, likely due to differences in anatomical structures and hormones. The urinary microbiome may influence the pathogenesis of urolithiasis, although the specific mechanisms are still currently being explored.
The aim was analysis of microbiome correction on the recurrence rates of oxalate urolithiasis in these patients. The use of nutraceuticals among other approaches, could improve the dysbiosis of patients with oxalate stones. We decided to evaluate the effect Deniplant nutraceuticals on the recurrence rates of oxalate urolithiasis.
Materials and methods You will need to treat a urinary tract infection. Currently, dietary correction of nutrition is crucial in prevention of urolithiasis. The use of Deniplant nutraceuticals could be interesting in the managementof dysbiosis in these patients.
Results The use of probiotics as a method of changing the composition of the gut microbiome is also being studied. We have found significant associations between antibiotic use and the onset of urolithiasis as well as between urolithiasis and microbiome composition, which suggest that the microbiome influences the onset of urolithiasis. Understanding the composition, dynamics, and stability of a patient’s microbiota and identifying changes that occur during disease onset or progression can aid in the development of personalized microbiota-based therapies.
Conclusion Recent microbiome studies suggest that dysbiosis may in part contribute to the increasing prevalence. Developing an understanding of the relationship between the urinary microbiome and urolithiasis may lead to novel approaches to mitigate stone risk.
Keywords urinary microbiome, urolithiasis, urinary tract infection, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Deniplant nutraceuticals for long COVID-19 syndrome
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. med. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background It is important to understand the systemic effects of long COVID-19 syndrome, its presentations, and the need for rehabilitations to restore functional recovery in survivors.
Objectives To demonstrate role of Imuniplant in the management of disfunctional immune responses, to discuss the role of the gut microbiota in long COVID-19 syndrome, the impact of dysbiosis on the pathological progression of long COVID-19 syndrome
Materials and methods Early rehabilitation has been shown to be vital for the improvement of long-term recovery and functional independence of patients, rehabilitations should be started as early as possible. Long COVID is a condition characterized by long-term consequences persisting or appearing after the typical convalescence period of COVID-19. With the help of Deniplant brand, the authors have developed several products that act as immunomodulators of the human microbiome.
Results Extensive symptoms have been reported by convalescent patients, such as chronic cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction, and extreme fatigue, in long COVID-19 syndrome. Early identification of targeted populations and early planning of rehabilitations services are vital to their recovery of functional independence and improvement of quality of life.
Conclusion Recent literature suggests the emergence of a novel syndrome known as ‘long COVID’, a term used to describe a diverse set of symptoms that persist after a minimum of 4 weeks from the onset of a diagnosed COVID-19 infection. Several professional bodies have voiced out the need for early detection and rehabilitations of patients with long COVID-19 syndrome.
Keywords: long COVID-19 syndrome, gut microbiota, microbiome. Deniplant nutraceuticals
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The connection between the gut microbiome and the brain, known as the gut-brain axis, is seen as a superhighway of communication between the brain and the microbes in the gut. Although the pathogenesis of migraine has not been clearly elucidated, this article will briefly review current understandings of the relationship between the gut microbiome and migraine and the potential for cost-effective gut-brain-targeted Deniplant nutritional intervention.
Objectives New evidences suggest that the microbiome may play a pathogenic role in migraine. The aim of the present project is to investigate whether a Deniplant nutritional intervention could modulate migraine attack frequency and severity.
Materials and methods Observational studies indicate that migraine sufferers also commonly complain of gastrointestinal disorders, and a number of gut microbiota-associated factors have been identified as contributory to migraine. Nutrition plays an important role in the migraine attack frequency and severity and it can modulate microbiome composition.
Results Deniplant nutritional intervention has gained a lot of attention in not only helping to relieve chronic digestive distress, but in helping to positively affect the brain. Migraine patients have demonstrated lower gastrointestinal microbial diversity. Proinflammatory cytokines have been implicated in migraine pain, as they have been found to be increased during migraine attack. Although human clinical studies are limited, investigations have demonstrated the potential for Deniplant nutritional intervention to modulate migraine attack frequency and severity.
Conclusion Although more studies are needed, the use of therapeutic probiotics in migraine offers promise for sufferers. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for migraine attack frequency and severity.
Keywords: migraine, microbiome, gut-brain axis, Deniplant nutritional intervention
Deniplant nutraceuticals may help for endometriosis pain
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1, Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2, Dr. Simona Criste3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
3Central Clinic Military Hospital, Dept. of Gynecology, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +0726784770
Background Inflammation has a main role in the progression of endometriosis. The mechanisms by which endometriosis induces a chronic pain state remain poorly understood. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for endometriosis. But you can manage it with medication and at – home treatments. Some findings have highlighted the main role of inflammation in endometriosis by acting on proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis. The introduction of new agents can be effective in improving the condition of patients; for example, plants are promising sources of bioactive natural components
Objectives These natural compounds could be interesting strategies in therapy. While there is no absolute cure for this condition, some home remedies can relieve pain and discomfort it bring. The purpose of this presentation is to summarize the potential action of Deniplant nutraceuticals
in endometriosis by acting on inflammation.
Materials and methods The primary symptoms of endometriosis are pelvic pain and infertility. The use of Deniplant nutraceuticals could be interesting in disease management for women.
Results Treating pain-related aspects of endometriosis would contribute to the improvement of mental health and daytime function. Because the microbiome can influence inflammation, new therapies can develop through its natural modulation. There are other options, including natural remedies, herbs like cinnamon twig or licorice root, or supplements, such as thiamine, magnesium, or omega-3 fatty acids.
Conclusion Deniplant nutraceuticals can downregulate inflammation in endometriosis. Nevertheless, the limited number of studies focusing on the different interactions of Deniplant nutraceuticals in endometriosis restricts its clear and immediate use in a therapeutic strategy.
Keywords: endometriosis, diet, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Gut microbiota is involved in osteoporosis through immune regulation
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The human microbiota functions at the interface between diet, medication-use, lifestyle, host immune development and health. Pre-clinical research has demonstrated biological interactions between the microbiome and bone metabolism. Gut microbiota can affect bone metabolism through various mechanisms, and the regulation of gut microbiota is closely related to age.
Objectives To examine how diet and osteoporosis reciprocally interact with the gut microbiota and immune regulation. Although the influence of the gut microbiota on the host immune system has a comparatively long, documented history, it is not the only potential mechanism by which the gut microbiota may influence bone health.
Materials and methods There is a strong correlation between gut microbe dysregulation and decreased bone density. This study examined the association of gut microbiome dysbiosis with osteoporosis.
Results A healthy microbiome is tied to bone homeostasis. Lifestyle modifications are indicated uniformly to prevent bone loss in patients at risk for developing osteoporosis. Diet modification and exercise are among the two most beneficial and conservative treatment approaches. An association between Deniplant nutraceuticals consumption and bone mineral density has been demonstrated. The evidence for lifestyle modification indicates that it should be a first-line clinical recommendation to prevent the patient from progressing from osteopenia to osteoporosis.
Conclusion This study showed that osteoporosis was related to functional composition of the gut microbiota. Our results suggest that gut dysbiosis could be targets for intervention in osteoporosis. Nutraceuticals interventions are easily accessible and a relatively inexpensive recommendation that clinicians should consider as first-line measures in the clinical management of osteoporosis.
Keywords: gut microbiota, osteoporosis, immune regulation, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Natural modulation gut microbiota in polichistic ovar syndrome:
Impact of Deniplant nutraceuticals
Impact of Deniplant nutraceuticals
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM,
Dr. Mihnea Andrei NICODIN3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
3Central Clinic Military Hospital, Dept. of Gynecology, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +0724238454
Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread endocrine disease that affects 6% to 20% of women of reproductive age and is associated with high risk of infertility, obesity, and insulin resistance. In recent years a new concept, referred to as microgenderome, reveals a potential relationship between sex hormones and gut microbiota. In this context, modification of gut microbiota with probiotic, prebiotic, and synbiotic agents suggests that these products may serve as new treatment options for PCOS.
Objectives To examine the new treatment approaches that can be developed in this direction. It is interesting to explore the role of gut microbiota in PCOS, as the androgen level in PCOS women always elevated.
Materials and methods In addition, it has been proposed that dysbiosis of gut microbiota may be a potential pathogenetic factor in the development of PCOS. The secretion of some mediators of the brain-gut axis is regulated by gut microbiota.
Results Recent studies on intestinal microbiota have raised the possibility that dysbiosis of intestinal microbiota maybe a novel theory for the development of PCOS. Studies suggest that insulin resistance, sex hormone concentrations, and obesity may affect the diversity and composition of gut microbiota in women with PCOS.
Conclusion The studies suggested an altered composition of gut microbiota of women with PCOS from controls. These studies indicated the bi-direction regulation of gut microbiota and endocrine systems. With better understanding of the role of intestinal microbiota in PCOS, interventions including prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics can be considered as future treatment options.
Keywords: polichistic ovar syndrome, gut microbiota, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Natural modulation of the gut microbiota in dogs with spinal cord injury
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background The metabolites produced by microbiota metabolism can modulate gut bacterial composition and brain biochemistry acting as neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Polyphenols are usually hydrolysed by intestinal enzymes or by gut microbiota. In this form they reach blood, tissues and brain where exert biological activities. The dysbiosis is thought to impair recovery by decreasing the production of short-chain fatty acids which play a role in suppressing inflammation within the central nervous system. The gut microbiota can synthesise neurotransmitters or regulate their levels acting on their precursors. Alteration in the homeostasis of gut-brain axis has been associated also to spinal cord injury.
Objective To order to show that polyphenols could increase the levels of neurotransmitters in situations of spinal injury where there is an urgent need to generate new neurons. To arrive at these observations, the authors examined how Polenoplasmin and diet solve paralysis in dogs.
Materials and methods Dysbiosis could have significant therapeutic value in the management of spinal cord injury.
Results In fact, some polyphenol metabolites can modulate directly neuronal receptors. Metabolites from dietary polyphenols exert neuroprotective effects after reaching the brain by crossing blood-brain barrier. Polyphenols indirect actions involve mechanisms that improve the peripheral cerebrovascular health.
Conclusion Dietary polyphenols improve vasodilatatory response and increase levels of circulating nitric oxide species that are essential in the control of vascular tone; vasodilation and blood flow in the body and in cerebral circulation. Gut microbiota are able to synthetize neurotransmitters thus microbiota homeostasis can impact on spinal cord injury.
Keywords: gut microbiota, polyphenol metabolites, neurotransmitters, spinal cord injury, Polenoplasmin
Imuniplant and Neuropolen impact on microbiote and metabolites in Parkinson’s disease
Major Giurgiu Gheorghe1, Prof. dr. Cojocaru Manole2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Parkinson’s disease ranks the second place among neurodegenerative diseases in terms of its morbidity, which affects 1-2% people aged over 65 years. The interactions and communications between gut and brain are regarded to be mostly regulated by inflammatory mediators and neuro-hormonal factors. Increasing evidence has suggested that gut microbial dysbiosis is also found in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Objectives Patients with Parkinson’s disease display changes in the relative abundances of potentially “harmful” and “beneficial” bacteria. To arrive at these observations, the authors examined how Imuniplant and Neuropolen from Deniplant solve microbiota modulation in Parkinson’s disease.
Materials and methods Alteration of the intestinal integrity and activity of the microbiota can influence brain function. We examined the relationship between the gut microbiota and clinical features in Parkinson’s disease after Imuniplant and Neuropolen from Deniplant.
Results Gut microbial dysbiosis has a certain effect on both the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system, which indicates that there is a gut-microbiota-brain axis that induces disorders on the central nervous system. At present, more and more studies are conducted to elucidate the association between gut microbial dysbiosis and the incidence of Parkinson’s disease. As a bidirectional communication between gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system, the microbiota-gut-brain axis is associated with immune, endocrine mechanisms and neural pathways
Conclusion It is suggested in latest studies that, gut microbiota is also a gastrointestinal factor that affects the functions of brain and gut. Changes in microbiota appears to be impactful in pathogenesis of neuroinflammation. Dysbiotic microbiota in Parkinson’s disease could influence the disease course.
Keywords: gut microbiota, Parkinson’s disease, gut-microbiota-brain axis, inflammation, Imuniplant, Neuropolen
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +4 0744 827 881
2Member of Academy of Romanian Scientists, Scientific Researcher degree I
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Professor of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
European Specialist of Laboratory Medicine
Senior Specialist of Allergology and Clinical Immunology; Telephone: +4 0723 326 663
Background Even if the actual operation goes well, it is not uncommon for a wound infection to occur afterwards, which can have dramatic consequences for those affected.
Objective A new study now shows that, in most cases, the causative agents of these infections are bacteria from the patient’s own intestine. These pathogens overcome the intestinal barrier postoperatively and spread throughout the body via the bloodstream and lymphatic vessels. For this reason, authors investigated the impact of Deniplant post operator tea to eliminate microorganisms in the surgical field.
Materials and methods In particular, patients after a major surgical procedure suffered such infections, which significantly delayed the healing process. It has long been known that side infections increase mortality during invasive procedures. Gut microbiota is beneficial to humans: they help with digestion, eliminate pathogens and train the immune system. However, this only applies as long as these bacteria do not overcome the so-called intestinal barrier and spread throughout the body.
Results In virtually all cases, the infectious agents were bacteria from the patient’s intestine, such as Enterococcus, Escherichia coli and Clostridium. We know that special cells of the immune system are responsible for controlling these spreading bacteria after major surgery.
Conclusion Deniplant post operator tea represents a useful prophylactic and therapeutic alternative strategy to standard antimicrobial therapies to prevent concomitant infections after surgery. It has been clarified which factors are responsible for the intestinal barrier no longer preventing intestinal bacteria from invading the interior of the body after a surgical intervention.
Keywords: intestinal bacteria, surgical field, Deniplant post operator tea
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is also defined as an immune-mediated pathology, with cutaneous and systemic manifestations that has numerous consequences on the quality of life of patients who suffer from it. It is known that also calorie restriction and low calorie diet can improve the symptomatology and the development of psoriasis. It is known that the immune system and the microbiome are linked.
Objectives New evidences suggest that the microbiome may play a pathogenic role in psoriatic disease. The aim of the present project is to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations and modulate the gut microbiota of individuals with psoriasis.
Materials and methods Nutrition plays an important role in the development of psoriasis and it can modulate microbiome composition.
Results Among environmental factors, diet plays a central role therefore incorrect nutritional habits and excessive body weight can increase clinical symptoms or even trigger the disease. Such diet-based and nutraceutical approaches to targeting the microbiome may produce a milder side effect profile than current systemic medications. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for preventing or managing psoriatic disease and its comorbidities.
Conclusion Nutrition plays an important role in the development of psoriasis and its comorbidities. Ultimately, a better understanding of the psoriatic microbiome can lead to the development of new therapeutic modalities that target the shifting microbiota. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for preventing or managing psoriatic disease and its comorbidities
Keywords: psoriasis, microbiome, microbiota, Deniplant nutritional intervention
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Restoration of the dysbiotic gut microbiome has emerged as a promising aid and a better therapeutic approach.
Objectives New evidences suggest that the microbiome may play a pathogenic role in psoriatic disease. The aim of the present project is to investigate whether a dietary intervention could ameliorate the clinical manifestations and modulate the gut microbiota of individuals with psoriasis.
Materials and methods Nutrition plays an important role in the development of psoriasis and it can modulate microbiome composition.
Results Among environmental factors, diet plays a central role therefore incorrect nutritional habits and excessive body weight can increase clinical symptoms or even trigger the disease. Such diet-based and nutraceutical approaches to targeting the microbiome may produce a milder side effect profile than current systemic medications. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for preventing or managing psoriatic disease and its comorbidities.
Conclusion Nutrition plays an important role in the development of psoriasis and its comorbidities. Ultimately, a better understanding of the psoriatic microbiome can lead to the development of new therapeutic modalities that target the shifting microbiota. Thus, interventions aimed at the microbiome may be a valuable adjunct for preventing or managing psoriatic disease and its comorbidities.
Keywords: psoriasis, microbiome, microbiota, Deniplant nutritional intervention
The influence of plants on the microbiome in patients with autoimmune diseases
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof dr Manole COJOCARU2, Prof dr Georgeta SINIȚCHI3
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 744 827 881
2Academy of Romanian Scientists
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40 723 326 663
3Atopy Allergological Medical Center, Iasi; Telephone: +40 756 837 629
Background It is now evident that the gut microbiota has a profound effect on the host immune system. The interactions between the gut microbiota and host immunity are complex, dynamic and context-dependent. The gut microbiota and its metabolites have been shown to influence immune homeostasis both locally and systemically. Bacterial contents such as lipopolysaccharide and bacterial antigens can induce a systemic inflammatory environment. The biggest question in the field is whether inflammation causes gut dysbiosis or dysbiosis leads to disease induction or propagation.
Objectives To demonstrate role of plants in the management of disfunctional immune responses. The direct modulation of gut microbiome that could diminish chronic inflammatory responses and ameliorate adaptive immune responses is major pathway to stabilize autoimmune diseases.
Materials and methods Recent reports indicate that dysbiosis is increased in autoimmune diseases. Plant modulation of the immune system can also have a role in the autoimmune disease, acting to reduce or delay the onset of immune-mediated diseases. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and plants in chronic inflammation in patients with autoimmune diseases.
Results Plants may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention chronic inflammatory responses.
Conclusion The gut microbiota is considered to be a master regulator of immune homeostasis. Besides modifying the gut microbiota, plants modulates the immune system in patients with autoimmune diseases. Keywords: plants, autoimmune diseases, microbiome, immunomodulation
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1,Prof. dr. Manole COJOCARU2 SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744 827 881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723 326 663
Background A growing body of evidence highlights that intestinal dysbiosis is associated with the development of psoriasis. The gut-skin axis is the novel concept of the interaction between skin diseases and microbiome through inflammatory mediators, metabolites and the intestinal barrier. The gut microbiome affects skin homeostasis through its influence on the signaling pathways that coordinate epidermal differentiation.
The objective of this study was to synthesize current data on the Deniplant nutritional factors in patients with psoriasis.
Materials and methods All studies confirmed the association of psoriasis and gut microbiota dysbiosis. We describe the recent advances regarding the interplay between gut microbiota and the skin. Thus, the microbiome can be considered an effective therapeutical target for treating this disorder.
Results This presentation provides a detailed and comprehensive systematic study regarding gut microbiome in patients with psoriasis. These results are supported by clinical observations based on a case serie showing improvement in psoriatic skin lesions after Deniplant nutritional factors. It is still not clear whether psoriasis is an effect or a cause of the observed disbalance between beneficial and pathogenic microbes. In this context, the study provides very interesting results, showing significantly greater changes in the gut microbiome of patients with psoriasis after Deniplant nutritional factors.
Conclusion There is a significant association between alterations in gut microbial composition and psoriasis. Gut dysbiosis is a state of imbalanced gut microbiome that eventually has a negative impact on skin function and integrity. Deniplant nutritional factors are a potential therapeutic strategy in psoriatic disease.
Keywords: dysbiosis, gut microbiome, psoriasis, gut-skin axis, Deniplant nutritional factors
Deniplant nutraceuticals – A supportive therapy and adjuvant
for the female reproductive system dysbiosis
for the female reproductive system dysbiosis
Major Gheorghe Giurgiu1, Prof Dr Med Manole Cojocaru2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Background Most research has focussed on the oral, skin, and gut microbiomes, whereas relatively little is known about the reproductive microbiome. Infertility incidence has so increased in the last years that it is currently recognized as a worldwide health issue
Objective The use of nutraceuticals among other approaches, could improve the dysbiosis of female reproductive system microbiome. The effects of nutraceuticals from Deniplant on dysbiosis of reproductive microbiome and fertility were reviewed.
Materials and methods Female reproductive microbiota has also been suggested to affect infertility, and it may play a key role in the success of assisted reproductive technologies, such as embryo implantation and pregnancy care. The use of Deniplant nutraceuticals could be interesting in the managementof dysbiosis on human reproduction.
Results We review the state of the art regarding the role of the female reproductive system microbiota in women’s health and human reproduction, highlighting its contribution to infertility. Dysbiosis has been related to several diseases, including chronic endometritis, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and gynecological cancers. Understanding the composition, dynamics, and stability of a patient’s microbiota in different areas of the body and identifying changes that occur during disease onset or progression can aid in the development of personalized microbiota-based therapies.
Conclusion We have reported a positive correlation between the presence of specific bacteria in the uterus and the onset of pelvic inflammatory disease, an inflammation of the upper genital tract that can lead to infertility. Gestational infections and inflammations reduce fertility and increase the risk of preterm birth
Keywords reproductive immunity, pelvic inflammatory disease, gut microbiota, Deniplant nutraceuticals
Sexual dysfunction and hepatitis C virus infection
Major Gheorghe GIURGIU1, Prof Dr Med Manole COJOCARU2, SciRes I, EuSpLM
1Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40744827881
2Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania; Telephone: +40723326663
Corresponding author: Gheorghe Giurgiu (, Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine Bucharest, Romania
Background: Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus. A significant number of those who are chronically infected will develop cirrhosis or liver cancer. Sexuality is an important aspect of the quality of life.
Objective: The virus itself may play a direct role in causing sexual dysfunction. The frequency of sexual dysfunction is not very well known in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hepatitis C virus infection is a global health burden that affects quality of life, with a negative impact on sexual functioning. Sexual dysfunction appears to be more frequent among chronic hepatitis C virus infection patients than among the general population.
Methods: Several studies have suggested that chronic hepatitis C virus infection may be associated with sexual dysfunction in men. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction with sexual life in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection was jointly investigated via a thorough psychopathological analysis.
Results: The male sex hormone (testosterone) is typically lowered with advanced liver disease, while the female sex hormone (estrogen) typically increases. Because alcohol abuse further lowers testosterone levels, alcoholic men with hepatitis C who have progressed to advanced liver disease are particularly vulnerable to sexual dysfunction issues.
Conclusion: The increasing prevalence of, the possibility of hepatitis C virus infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of sexual dysfunction. This study reviews the literature on epidemiology and pathogenetic factors of sexual dysfunction in patients with chronic viral hepatic diseases.
1Univ. Prof. Dr. Med. Manole COJOCARU, MD, PhD, SciRes I, EuSpLM
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine,
Bucharest, Romania
2Major Gheorghe GIURGIU, SciRes
Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania
Neurotoxicity may occur as a result of exposure to neurotoxins, is reversible, and
can be detected by specialized management of the cancer patient. Neurotoxicity
can be chronic when the nervous system is exposed to lower doses of neurotoxins,
but for a long time, but can also be acute, when exposure has occurred to high
concentrations of toxic substances. The development of a methodology aimed at
optimizing the management of the patient with chemotherapy in the field of
hematological malignancies, would allow the early detection of neurotoxic
manifestations such as neuromotor problems (uncoordinated movements, limb
tremor), cognitive impairment. Handwriting analysis may help identify
neurotoxicity before other symptoms and clinical signs occur.
Graphological features define script attributes like layout configuration, letter
size, shape, slant and skew angle of lines, etc. A graphological analysis requires a
complex interpretation process. The research paper contains a critical analysis
of handwritten texts, presents a model that links features from handwritten
images. After the extraction, data were classified using a neural network. An
experimental framework with real samples has been constructed to illustrate the
performance of the approach. The research paper contains a critical analysis of
the graphological approach. Patients who manifest neurotoxicity develop
neurocognitive deficits that are consistent with frontal network systems
dysfunction including executive dysfunction, reduced learning and memory,
impaired fine motor dexterity. Early detection of toxicity may allow early
intervention. Dysbiosis (malfunction of the microbiome) can promote the
development of neurotoxicity. The microbiome’s protective function could be
used in the futurs.
Neurotoxicity may occur as a result of exposure to neurotoxins, is
reversible, and can be detected by specialized management of the cancer
patient. Neurotoxicity can be chronic when the nervous system is
exposed to lower doses of neurotoxins, but for a long time, but can also
be acute, when exposure has occurred to high concentrations of toxic
substances. Roughly 60% of patients undergoing chemotherapy have
some associated neurotoxicity. Early detection and intervention are vital.
Neurotoxicity associated with chemotherapy is recognized more often
today than ever before. It’s estimated that 60% of patients receiving
neurotoxic chemotherapeutic agents have some degree of associated
neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicity affects the patient not only physically, but
also functionally, psychosocially, and spiritually, and in turn can affect
the family as well. Chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity is a significant
complication in the successful treatment of many cancers. Damage to the
nervous system may result from the direct or indirect effects of
neurotoxic chemotherapeutic agents on the central nervous system,
peripheral nervous system, cranial nerves, or a combination of these.
Neurotoxicities are usually temporary and resolve when the treatment is
The development of a methodology aimed at optimizing the management
of the patient with chemotherapy in the field of hematological
malignancies, would allow the early detection of neurotoxic
manifestations such as neuromotor problems (uncoordinated
movements, limb tremor), cognitive impairment. Handwriting analysis
may help identify neurotoxicity before other symptoms and clinical signs
occur. Graphological features define script attributes like layout
configuration, letter size, shape, slant and skew angle of lines, etc. A
graphological analysis requires a complex interpretation process.
A graphological analysis requires a complex interpretation process.
Chemotherapy may have detrimental effects on either the central or
peripheral nervous system. Patients report problems with memory
retrieval, learning, and concentration, which may persist after treatment
has finished or never fully resolve. Neurotoxicity of Chemotherapy.
Cross-sectional studies also suggest persistent cognitive dysfunction in
20% to 30% of patients 2 to 10 years posttreatment. Mechanisms for this
functional decline are not fully understood. Neurotoxicity refers to the
direct or indirect effect of chemicals that disrupt the nervous system of
humans or animals. Neurotoxicity is usually self-limiting after exposure
ceases and rarely progressive in the absence of continued exposure,
although there may be a significant delay between exposure and
manifestation of neurotoxic effects. Neurological side effects are a
common complication following chemotherapy and can adversely affect
clinical management of the cancer patient. Cancer patients during
chemotherapy report problems with memory retrieval, learning, and
concentration, which may persist after treatment has finished or never
fully resolve. Peripheral neuropathies are the most common neurological
complications in patients receiving chemotherapy, especially with
regimens containing taxanes, platinum, and vinca alkaloids.
Neurological side effects are a common complication following
chemotherapy, and can adversely affect clinical management of the
cancer patient. The overall incidence of these toxicities is unknown, but
they are becoming more common. Additionally, as more patients survive
long term, late neurological side effects are becoming increasingly
recognized, such as impaired cognitive function. Cancer patients have
frequently recognized decreased cognitive function (“chemo-brain”)
during chemotherapy, which, in the past, was attributed by their
physicians to stress or depression. A thorough neurologic assessment
during the first visit and subsequent visits will ensure quick
identification of chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicities. The clinician
should assess for changes in mental status and vision, ability to walk,
hallucinations, numbness and tingling in extremities, constipation,
urinary retention, hearing loss, myalgia, arthralgia, weakness,
hemiparesis, and hemiplegia. Nurses play an important role in the early
detection of and intervention for neurotoxicity, the success of treatment,
and the patient’s quality of life both during and after treatment.
The research paper contains a critical analysis of the graphological
approach. Patients who manifest neurotoxicity develop neurocognitive
deficits that are consistent with frontal network systems dysfunction
including executive dysfunction, reduced learning and memory,
impaired fine motor dexterity. Early detection of toxicity may allow
early intervention. Dysbiosis (malfunction of the microbiome) can
promote the development of neurotoxicity. The microbiome’s protective
function could be used in the future
Taillibert S, Le Rhun E, Chamberlain MC Chemotherapy-Related
Neurotoxicity. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2016; 16(9): 81.
Scatchard K, Lee SM Neurotoxicity of Chemotherapy. Blue Books of
Neurology. 2010; 36: 352-371.
Froklage FEAM, Reijneveld JC, Heimans JJ Central Neurotoxicity in
Cancer Chemotherapy. Pharmacogenetic Insights.
Pharmacogenomics. 2011; 12(3): 1-17.
1Centrul Medical Deniplant-Aide Sante, Biomedicină, București, România
2Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Facultatea de Medicină, București, România
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Disbioza microbiomului nazo-faringian atrage disbioza microbiomului intestinal și activarea axului microbiom intestinal-creier. Dacă se intervine repede la primul semn de boală cu modularea activității microbiomului, implicit a sistemului imunitar (neuroimunomodularea) se înlătură apariția bolii. Există microbiomul: bucal, nazal, intestinal, cardiac, cutanat chiar microbiomul la nivelul creierului cu care Covid-19 interacționează. Când evoluția se complică, trebuie să se intervină cu tratament medicamentos pt susținerea organelor afectate. Deși există și afectarea renală, în urina pacienților nu s-au găsit coronavirusuri si nici urmele acestora. Știut fiind că infecția produce și simptome digestive, coronavirusuri a fost puse in evidență în materiile fecale. Se spune că la 1-2% din cazuri Covid-19 ajunge în sânge. Microbiomul este esențial pentru promovarea funcției imune pentru prevenirea și combaterea bolilor. Mai exact, în ceea ce privește infecțiile virale, trebuie să existe un răspuns imun adecvat care să apere organismul. Microbiota intestinală cu diversitate scăzută va conduce în consecință la o funcție imună deficitară. Microbiota, intestinul și creierul comunică prin axa microbiotă-intestin-creier într-un mod bidirecțional. Presupunem că virusul Covid-19 creează o disbioză a microbiomului intestinal. Un microbiom intestinal sănătos este crucial în crearea unui răspuns adecvat la coronavirus. Un microbiom divers este un microbiom sănătos, care conține multe specii diferite care fiecare joacă rolul în imunitate și sănătate. Motivația proiectului este studiul influenței microbiotei intestinale în ceea ce privește sănătatea și apariția simptomatologiei în infecția cu Covid-19. Cu ajutorul remediilor naturale marca Deniplant, autorii au realizat mai multe produse pentru afecțiuni autoimune, metabolice și neurologice care acționează ca imunomodulatoare ale microbiomului uman.
Cuvinte cheie: microbiom intestinal, infecția cu COVID-19, remedii naturale, neuroimunomodulare naturală
1 Major Gheorghe Giurgiu
Deniplant-Aide Sante Medical Center, Biomedicine, Bucharest, Romania
2 Prof. dr. Manole Cojocaru
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Background Nutrients are the substances found in food which drive biological activity, and are essential for the human body. Several studies have emphasized that some nutrients may increase an individual risk for cancer, while others may be protective. Dietary nutrients may be converted into metabolites by intestinal microbes that serve as biologically active molecules affecting regulatory functions in the host.
Objectives To demonstrate role of nutrients as functional foods in the management of immunity.
Materials and methods This includes the role of macronutrients, micronutrients, and the gut microbiome in mediating immunological effects. Nutritional modulation of the immune system has applications within the clinical setting, but can also have a role in healthy populations, acting to reduce or delay the onset of immune-mediated chronic diseases. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the role of diet and nutrients in immune function
Results Probiotics may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other intestinal or systemic disease phenotypes. A well-functioning immune system is critical for survival. The immune system must be constantly alert, monitoring for signs of invasion or danger. Cells of the immune system must be able to distinguish self from non-self and furthermore discriminate between non-self molecules which are harmful (e.g., those from pathogens) and innocuous non-self molecules (e.g., from food).
Conclusion This presentation describes how diet and intestinal luminal conversion by gut microbes play a role in immune-mediated chronic diseases.
Keywords: nutrients, gut microbiota, immunomodulation
Manole Cojocaru, Natalia Roșoiu
Universitatea Titu Maiorescu, Facultatea de Medicina, Bucuresti Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România Ilfov 3, 050044 București, România
Universitatea Ovidius – IOSUD, Constanța Academia Oamenilor de Știință din România Ilfov 3, 050044 București, România
Context Simptomele și tulburările gastro-intestinale cronice sunt frecvente la copiii cu tulburări din spectrul autist și s-a dovedit că se corelează semnificativ cu gradul de afectare comportamentală și cognitivă. Aceste semne pot include constipație, diaree, dureri abdominale, vărsături, refuzul alimentar, reflux gastroesofagian, malabsorbție macroscopică neplăcută, incapacitatea de a se dezvolta sau pierderea în greutate și, deși aproape toți copiii au probleme gastrointestinale în copilărie, cauzele au crescut. Prevalența simptomelor gastrointestinale cronice la copiii cu tulburări din spectrul autist nu este clar stabilită.
Obiectiv Aceasta ridică întrebarea dacă autismul îi face pe copii mai vulnerabili la probleme gastrointestinale cronice sau dacă problemele gastrointestinale cronice, în special în copilărie și copilăria timpurie, cresc riscul de întârziere a dezvoltării și/sau tulburări de spectru autist. Dacă semnele/simptomele gastro-intestinale se corelează cu gradul de caracteristici TSA la copiii cu TSA și dacă în unele cazuri sunt singurul semn al unei tulburări cognitive/comportamentale subiacente, care ar putea fi mecanismul?
Materiale și metode S-a demonstrat că severitatea semnelor și simptomelor gastrointestinale se corelează cu severitatea caracteristicilor tulburării din spectrul autist.
Rezultate Copiii cu tulburare din spectrul autist au un risc semnificativ crescut de probleme gastrointestinale cronice de la o vârstă fragedă. Această întrebare a mecanismului de bază care explică modul în care disfuncția gastrointestinală poate influența comportamentul în tulburările din spectrul autist a condus la speculații că există o „axă intestin-creier”, în care produsele unuia sau mai multor procese patologice din tractul gastrointestinal contribuie la sistemul nervos central. disfuncție. conexiune. Copiii cu tulburare din spectrul autist care prezintă simptome gastrointestinale par să aibă o prevalență ridicată a inflamației duodenale histologice fără legătură cu boala celiacă.
Concluzie Rezultatele arată o prevalență mai mare a simptomelor gastrointestinale în rândul copiilor cu tulburări din spectrul autist comparativ cu copiii de control. O mai bună înțelegere a mecanismelor care stau la baza disbiozei și a impactului acesteia asupra funcției gazdei va accelera dezvoltarea strategiilor de atenuare și tratament relevante clinic.
Cuvinte cheie: tulburare din spectru autist, boli gastrointestinale, dereglare imunitară, neurodezvoltare
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